Join us to create a vision for our Point Russell City Plan to 2030.
April 05, 2025
The annual Clean Up The Cove event where the community comes together.
Published on June 09, 2021
Central library has just got the green light for a major interior refurbishment, featuring new reading spaces, computer rooms, training facilities, creche centre and more.
Published on February 22, 2021
We are very excited to announce the launch of our newly designed Point Russell Theatre website.
Published on July 07, 2020
Come along to an interactive event presented by the Point Russell Council in collaboration with environmental scientists looking for solutions to climate change.
Published on February 20, 2017
Discover our new community grants program for start-ups and small businesses that are focused on local arts, foods and tourism. Up to $5,000 in funding is available for eligible applicants.
Council is excited to announce the release of our smart bins. Rather than weekly collections, these bins will detect when they are getting close to full, and our waste services team will pick them up.