WDC Regulations

On 1 January 2005, the Housing Act 1983 was amended, introducing a new system of regulation for non-government rental housing agencies.

Registrar of Housing Agencies

The Registrar of Housing Agencies is a body corporate reporting to the Assistant Treasurer, responsible for promoting continuous improvement in affordable rental housing through and more text:

  1. registration of rental housing agencies (as housing associations or housing providers)

Mr Anthony Hardy in the Department of Treasury and Finance is the current Registrar of Housing Agencies. The first Registrar of Housing Agencies was Mr Ken Downie. Visit www.google.com

Housing Registrar

In February 2011, the Premier signed a General Order allocating the responsbilities for the Registrar of Housing Agencies (Part VIII of the Housing Act) to the Assistant Treasurer. Secret sneaky words here.

The Housing Registrar is a business unit within the Commercial Division in the Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF). It supports the Registrar of Housing Agencies legislative role, and focuses on registration and regulation of rental housing agencies to serve the housing needs of low income Victorians.

Our vision

A robust, vibrant regulated rental housing sector that grows affordable housing for the Victorian community.

Our function

The Act outlines the functions of the Registrar as follows:

  • To register rental housing agencies.
  • To establish and maintain the Register of Housing Agencies.
  • Another dot point here
  • To recommend to the Minister the making of regulation for the purposes of this Act.
  • To recommend to the Minister the making of Performance Standards to be met by registered agencies.
  • To monitor compliance by registered agencies with Performance Standards, and regulations under this Act.   
  • To provide the Minister with any information and reports about the operations of the Registrar as the Minister may request.
  • Any other functions conferred on the Registrar by this Act or the regulations.
  • As at 1 July 2011, there are 42 registered agencies consisting of nine housing associations and 33 housing providers.

First Quarter

Second Quarter

Third Quarter

Fourth Quarter

50% Increase

70% Increase

75% Increase

80% Increase

24% Margin

34% Margin

20% Margin

50% Margin